Wednesday, May 7, 2014

UFO, Peace Poppies and Movie Work

Neighbor's video camera en-route through yard
All is good here in Howick Beach.  Weather is as to be expected with the onset of Winter; sunshine with rain showers in the night.  Is this Camelot or what?

Eating dinner with friends a few nights ago, my husband noted lights outside our dining room window.  Opening the sliding glass door we could hear the soft drone of the neighbor's camera toting UFO.  Our neighbor is very proud of the control he has of the broad range of motion this little vehicle boasts. He propelled that tiny drone all over the skies and could also tell us what we ate for supper. Fortunately we are on good terms with all neighbors and not paranoid.

Yesterday I had the most bizarre yet fun employment.  As I have a work visa connected to my husband's I am allowed to work here and pay taxes.  A friend does work as an extra for TV and Movie productions and she took me along to be on an NZ TV show. I'm not permitted to post pictures or tell about the production 'stars' or the plot sequence, but I will say that it was quite fun.  The handlers were very nice to us and kept us 'on spot' at all times.  I was a amazed at the details which they attended to.  Given a magazine to peruse I was not allowed to change pages (noise and consistency) during any of the 3 takes per sequence.  This is definitely not a money maker for me as 20% of my pay goes to taxes, 20% to our agents and the last little bit to paying off my signup fee.  But the experience was worth every penny I spent in petrol to get to the site, and I consider this to be time well spent in experience.  I had a good laugh over dinner with my husband about being such an old fish 'out of water' in such a strange, artificial environment. 

Uxbridge Theatre
Howick Library
Walking home from the village we were captivated by these vibrant Peace Poppies, a work of participation art produced by a local artist.  This display went up a week after Anzac and tastefully promotes a "Lest we forget" for peace.  The sign explains that school children were enlisted to make some of the poppies.

 All good here, J
Peace Poppies

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