Monday, April 7, 2014

All Saints' Anglican Church

All Saints' Anglican Church

All Saints’ Church in Howick was the first parish church in Auckland and the oldest building in Manukau. It can be found on the corner of Cook Street and Selwyn Road in the suburb of Howick.,_Howick

Congregation's View
The Church was built in 1847. It was the first building to be erected in Howick. The lychgate contains a brass plaque commemorating those European descent men who died in the ‘Maori Wars’ from 1845-65.

Organ from Europe
Sunday morning after attending the village market we noticed that the door to the church was open so I meandered through trying to imagine what the preachers and congregation were like. There was a beautiful old organ to the left of the alter. I so wanted to feel the keys and pump the levers, pulling out the stops.

On one wall was a banner that the fine women of Howick flew as they paraded through the streets of the village. Oh what a ‘righteous’ group they might have been. But then I guess that is how we try to get control of a situation which is not really in our control. Voila! A cause we can grasp in our fists.  But then, of course, NZ women had the vote long before US women.  But then again, they did not get the vote until after the Maoris. 

View from the Pulpit,"Feel the power!"
Leaving the church we noticed a small plaque commemorating the children who died in the mid-1800s from scarlet fever. Of special note were the two small children of the first rector, such tragedy before the time of antibiotics. 

Quiet day, still not rain, but some overcast.  Great day for hanging out the laundry.

All good, J
The first Anglican Bishop and a Maori Chief

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