Monday, April 14, 2014

Understanding of Royal Family Doting and Comparisons to US Flag waving, hmmm

I asked my neighbor why she thought the Royals were so important to NZ people.  She said they just love the royals as family.  They are part of their culture and history. Like all families they don’t care for some members as much as others.  Some totally despise Charles for his perceived misuse of Diana and others admire his intelligence and commitment to the environment.  Some love the queen while others think she’s stuffy and culpable for the destruction of Diana.  I personally sit on the ‘foreign fence’ and think Elizabeth made a good show at the Olympics pantomiming a parachute jump.  I also don’t have a dog in the Diana fight, so I’m not emotionally wrapped up with the whole royal family dust-up.

NZ radio had next day coverage of the Auckland wharf event.  I was inter  He asked my questions, “What do they take and what can they give the average Kiwi? Our taxes pay for their grand tours!”  But then my neighbor and a friend who is from London say they are wealthy and bring more wealth to the commonwealth through increased tourism.

ested to hear one NZ born and raised commentator ask about the relevance of William being feted in NZ.

Enjoying the NZ experience!
Another neighbor compared to our flag waving US citizens to those Kiwis who relish having the Royals. With that comparison I felt the hair on my neck rise in protest about ‘following the flag’, as that sometimes leads to big mistakes. This brings me to the most important aspect of the Royals.  They are tasked to remain apolitical.  They do not have a right to govern legislation.  This is, in my mind, a good thing.

Also, Kate, is the daughter of commoners.  Her parents were flight attendants and her Dad became a BA flight ops. employee before the Middletons made massive amounts of money in selling party items on the internet.

Oh, the common touch! J

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