Thursday, April 10, 2014

Shouting for the bill, talking to strangers, rain at last!

Yesterday I went into Auckland with a friend to run errands.  We stopped for a cup of coffee and shared a bruschetta topped with smoked eggplant that was infused with garlic.  Wonderful! My friend “shouted” for the bill.  She said, “I’ll shout for that.”  Oh my, another new expression. This all was done in a normal conversational tone.  I wonder if there is an implied threat of a disruption if the person ‘shouting’ doesn’t get to pay the bill.

Last evening when my husband returned home from work we walked into Howick Village to Muzza’s Pie Shop.  The pies range from savories to dolces and are all made fresh daily and sold at a modest price.  Their slogan on the side of the building is: "Buy one or we'll both starve!” We wanted to pick up a spinach quiche to ‘sort’ his work lunch the next day. Being on an outing and not in a hurry we asked the proprietor where he was from.  He came from Cambodia in ’81, after the Pol Pot terror.  We told him we were fortunate to visit Cambodia in October and had a wonderful visit with him and his wife. 

I received this note this morning from a friend I met on our Vietnam tour.  The quote is wonderful and the experience of meeting our friend has enriched our lives.

To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never to forget."
Attributed to: Amy Goodman, "The End of Imagination." 

Our lives are so much richer from travel and talking to strangers.  We have much to be thankful for. But all of this is based on having had wonderful friends from the past as well.  Bought some savory cakes because they reminded us of a wonderful Canadian friend.  Coconut topped, butter infused with a raspberry center.  Almost as good as our friend.

Rain freshened the air last night and sunrise was glorious on the water. J

Rain freshened Sunrise

1 comment:

  1. That is a stunning ocean scene! What a glorious visit you are having!
